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Jail-House Religion

Stephen Canup

July 2017 978-1-7352529-1-9


After being on top of the world with an office on Park Avenue, Stephen Canup lost it all and found himself homeless and incarcerated. Jail-House Religion is his true life story of God's redeeming love and grace.

"Jail-House Religion", a term we have all heard and often made fun of, can be "the real thing" and not just "a cheap imitation". Stephen Canup knows first-hand how real and lasting a true relationship with Jesus can be. Jesus found Stephen in prison - broken, bound, battered, betrayed and busted. But Jesus saved him and changed him forever. This is his story.

"Jail-House Religion"-How many times have we heard that phrase? It's usually in a mocking way. Is it the "real thing" or a "cheap imitation"?

Can someone really find God in a jail or prison? Is God close enough to sinners there to hear their sincere cry? Can a person really be heard by Him if they commit, or re-dedicate, their hearts to walk with Christ? Can He actually use a convict, who turns his life around, to advance the cause of His Kingdom?

Having once been incarcerated for nearly three years, Stephen knows first-hand what "society" says and thinks about prisoners - they call them misfits, outcasts and career criminals. For the most part, they despise prisoners. Society thinks they are worthless, dangerous and not capable of changing their way. But many people have been "imprisoned" in the free world by their own bad choices even though they may have never been actually "incarcerated".

When someone is as low as they can go, and think that the only "light at the end of the tunnel" is a train headed their way, what do they do? When they finally wake up one day and realize they are sick and tired of being in bondage because of our own stupid actions, wrong decisions and addictions, to whom do they turn? Isn't this the best time to cry out to God?

God always runs to welcome truly repentant sinners! Stephen's story is very much like "the prodigal son" in Luke 15!



“Jail-House Religion” – We’ve all heard that term – usually negatively.

In “the free world” believers and unbelievers alike generally assume an “inmate” who professes to follow Jesus Christ does so to try to bargain with God for an early release; or, to convince their family and the parole board they’ve changed when perhaps they have really not. Sometimes “free world citizens” are correct in making these assumptions.

Behind the razor wire, steel bars and concrete walls of jails and prisons, Christian inmates are often objects of sarcasm and ridicule by other inmates, and even some of the correctional officers.

Incarcerated Christians regularly hear, in mocking catcalls and jeers, taunts like this:

• “Hey man, you weren’t reading your Bible on the street,

              how come you’re reading it now in here?”

• “Hey preacher, I never saw you going to church in

              the free world, why are you going to all those Chapel

              services and classes in here?”

• “Choir boy, if you’re really a Christian, how come you’re

              locked up? Where’s your God now?”

When I was incarcerated, I often heard all those questions, taunts and criticisms about others before I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ (and even more frequently when they were directed at me after I was truly saved). Before I ever went to prison I thought all those jail-house conversions I’d heard about were fake. Surely, “Jail-House Religion” was just a cheap imitation of the real thing.

I was wrong – dead wrong. “Jail-House Religion” can be “the real thing”. I know. Jesus found me in prison – broken, battered, bound, betrayed and busted. But He saved me, and changed me forever.

This is my story…