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Knowing the One Who Leads You

Stephen Canup

June 2020 978-1-7352529-0-2


100 Daily Christian discipleship devotional teachings concerning growing in relationship with God, the Holy Spirit.

Jesus came to restore us to relationship with the Father - ideally, the same intimacy of relationship Adam and Eve had in the Garden before the fall when sin came in between God and man. Every Christian's goal should be intimacy of relationship with God the Father.

The finished work of God the Son, Jesus, at the Cross makes it possible to pursue a deeper relationship with the Father, but it is only by and through God the Holy Spirit operating inside you that fellowship is established and fostered! We must want to be lead by the Spirit daily, and the better we know Him, the more closely we will follow His lead.

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 13:14. AMPCE, "The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together, and participation in) the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen (so be it)."

So, in order to know Him better we should desire to continuously experience the presence of the Holy Spirit, commune with Him, have fellowship with Him, and participate willingly in what He is doing in our lives. As with any person, we must learn how to "communicate" in order to develop a relationship.

Communication involves knowing details about one another, listening when they talk to us, and responding to their questions, input and guidance. A personal relationship requires quality time spent together, and the desire to be in each other's presence. Intimacy of relationship grows with time, trust, companionship and communication. We must employ all these means as we seek communion and fellowship with God the Holy Spirit and God the Father.

It is only by and through our relationship with the Holy Spirit - because of the finished work and intercession of Jesus - that we are able to achieve intimacy of personal relationship with God the Father. You can learn how to do this through this book!



How many times have you heard something like, “Christianity is not about religion, it is about relationship”? Plenty, I’m sure. But, what does that really mean? What does it look like day to day? How do I improve my relationship with God?

After all, sometimes it seems God is way off somewhere in Heaven, some other dimension, some place far away, in a spiritual realm. Many people might say or think, “I am stuck here in this physical realm, and most of the time it seems to me God is silent about my circumstances. Seemingly, He is not practically involved in my day to day life. How can I grow in relationship with Someone like that?”

Those are valid concerns; and most of us have had them at one time or another. Perhaps, many of you reading this have them even now.

Paul’s Secret of Intimate Relationship with God

Apparently, Paul felt he needed to remind the believers at Corinth how to overcome similar concerns because he closed his second letter to them with a most important summary of his secret of intimate relationship with God:

“The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together, and participation) in the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen (so be it).” 2 Corinthians 13:14, AMPCE

Let’s break this down. First, notice here that Paul refers to all three Persons of the Godhead, or the Trinity. Second, he lists one or more benefits available from each Person:

·         Lord Jesus Christ – grace (favor and spiritual blessing).

·         Father God – love.

·         Holy Spirit – presence, and fellowship; that is, communion, sharing together, and participation.

Third, he significantly expounds upon what he means regarding what is available from the Holy Spirit. Finally, he intends all these benefits for all true believers.

Trying to have a “relationship” with “GOD” seems almost impossible on its face. However, when one considers each Person of the Godhead individually, as Paul did in this passage, it becomes easier to imagine how we would relate differently to each Person.

Being “Relational” to Each of the Three Persons of God

God is Father; God is Son; God is Holy Spirit. Jesus came to introduce us to our Heavenly Father and restore us to relationship with Him similar to what Adam and Eve experienced in the Garden. Jesus said He is the Way to the Father. If there is a “way”, there must be a “destination”. Intimacy of relationship with the Father is our destination - our privilege, our completion, our goal. God is Spirit. We must be “relational” with Him as Father through His Spirit. Jesus made it possible.

The Word says we are “joint heirs” with Christ, so relationally speaking we could view Jesus as our unique older brother. He is our example, our hero and our protector. As re-born sons and daughters of God, we enjoy the benefits and privileges of “son-ship” because of Jesus. He died for us so that we could be restored to God the Father. What great, sacrificial love He showed us in His death. Resurrected and ascended, He now shares His inheritance with us. These are some of the reasons we can be “relational” to our older Brother, God the Son, Jesus.

The people of Jesus’ day had no real concept or understanding of God as “Father” until the Son came to introduce Him as Father. He said that when the disciples were seeing Him, they were seeing the Father. He said He and the Father were One. He only did what He saw the Father do; He only said what He heard the Father say. Clearly, Jesus always pointed others to the Father. He said everything He did was possible because He had the Spirit of the Father. Jesus was relational with the Father by His Spirit. So, for us, another way we can be “relational” to God is to be relational to Him as the Perfect Father.

When Jesus explained to His disciples that He was going away, He made sure they knew they would soon have another just like Him. They would not be alone as orphans. He and the Father would send a Helper, Comforter, Friend, Guide, Teacher and Counselor. Someone Who would come alongside them, walk with them, lead them, and never leave them or forsake them. This Person is the Holy Spirit. We should want to learn how to be more “relational” to God the Holy Spirit because of His very important roles in our lives as believers.

How do I personally relate to each of the three Persons of God? Could I narrow it down to a few words? For me, I trust the Father, I love Jesus, and I need the Holy Spirit. The Father is in control; Jesus died for me; and, the Holy Spirit is the One Who is present with me all day, every day.

Some believers think about “God” only as a lofty, impersonal concept ignoring the interdependence of the three distinct Persons He revealed in His Word. Other believers focus most of their devotion and attention primarily on Jesus, very thankful for their salvation through His sacrifice, but not focusing on the fact that Jesus came to point them to the Father, and leave them a Helper, the Holy Spirit.

The Critical Importance of the Person of God the Holy Spirit

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we have the Spirit of the Father, the Spirit of the Son, the Holy Spirit living in us, and walking with us on this journey. He is our Guide to our destination of relationship with the Father. He is our Comforter when we encounter troubles. He is our Teacher to show us how to walk out the Christian life. He is our Counselor, Helper and Friend. He is the very manifest Power of God on this Earth. What a magnificent and precious gift He is from the Father and the Son!!!

It is only by and through our relationship with the Holy Spirit - because of the finished work and intercession of Jesus - that we are able to achieve intimacy of personal relationship with God the Father.

In these daily teachings, please allow me to share with you some of what I have learned so far about the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Scriptures. When I say, “so far”, I am overjoyed to relate that we are able to learn about Him, and from Him, for all of eternity.

As with any person, we must learn how to “communicate” in order to develop a relationship. Communication involves knowing details about one another, listening when they talk to us, and responding to their questions, input and guidance. A personal relationship requires quality time spent together, and the desire to be in each other’s presence. Intimacy of relationship grows with time, trust, companionship and communication. We must employ all these means as we seek communion and fellowship with God the Holy Spirit.

What can we look forward to as we grow in an attentive, obedient, loving relationship with God?

“Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way that you should go.

18 Oh, that you had hearkened to My commandments! Then your peace and prosperity would have been like a flowing river, and your righteousness [the holiness and purity of the nation] like the [abundant] waves of the sea.

19 Your offspring would have been like the sand, and your descendants like the offspring of the sea; their name would not be cut off or destroyed from before Me.” Isaiah 48:17-19, AMPCE

Jesus came to give us “abundant life” now, in this Earthly realm of time, and extending in the spiritual realm throughout all of eternity. Everything God has for us is available in and through the Holy Spirit.

Left to our own knowledge and senses, this can be a rough journey with many in the Body of Christ just “trying to hold on” until they get to Heaven. We were never meant to do life on our own. We are not meant to face trials, temptations and disappointments by ourselves. Maybe we could eventually make it through on our own, but it is so much easier, beneficial and prosperous with our Helper, Teacher, Counselor, Friend and Guide – the Holy Spirit. He is truly “the game changer” for the successful Christian walk.

Join me, as we seek His presence, and enjoy His fellowship (our communion, sharing together and participation), with the Holy Spirit of God over the next 100 days.

Let’s get to know Him better!