Born Again in Christ
Many times in my life before truly surrendering to Jesus Christ
- in numerous times of trouble, depression, or distress - I prayed
various "prayers of salvation" but nothing really changed. I wanted
something different but nothing I ever tried worked. I did not
realize that I could not "change"...
Knowing the Father
Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through me." If Jesus is "the way",
there must be a destination! I used to think the destination was
Heaven, but Jesus tells us the destination is the Father and He is
the only way to get there. The...
Knowing Jesus Intimately
According to the Bible, we know of only two basic statements a
person will hear when they face Jesus in Heaven. In Matthew
25:21-23, Jesus related that the master would say to the obedient,
good stewards, "Well done, good and faithful servant? Enter into
the joy of your lord." Certainly, this is...
Knowing the One Who Leads You
100 Daily Christian discipleship devotional teachings concerning
growing in relationship with God, the Holy Spirit.
Jesus came to restore us to relationship with the Father -
ideally, the same intimacy of relationship Adam and Eve had in the
Garden before the fall when sin came in between God and...
Diving Deeper
Obtain your freedom while diving deeper into God's plan for your
life with this daily discipleship field guide.
Diving Deeper demonstrates how to obtain freedom from every form
of bondage and how to achieve positive, measureable results in
daily life through the personal empowerment of the Holy...
Jail-House Religion
After being on top of the world with an office on Park Avenue,
Stephen Canup lost it all and found himself homeless and
incarcerated. Jail-House Religion is his true life story of God's
redeeming love and grace.
"Jail-House Religion", a term we have all heard and often made
fun of, can be "the...
Lepers No More
Ex-convicts in general, and former sex offenders in particular,
are treated as outcasts in modern society. Once a person is
assigned a label of "ex-convict", "felon", or "sex offender", they
are set up for many unique lifetime challenges and trials other
people typically do not endure.
In a...
Book of Remembrance
When I gave my heart to Jesus in 2009 in prison at age 57, I
totally surrendered the rest of my life to serving Him. I found so
much hope in receiving His finished work at the Cross, that a
passionate fire of purpose was ignited in me to share the Good News
with anyone who would listen.
If God...
Religion de la Casa de la Carcel
Habiendo alcanzado la cima del éxito en el mundo de los negocios a
una edad temprana, Stephen se encontró aburrido, inquieto y vacío.
Buscar en todos los lugares equivocados algo que llenara el vacío
en su alma pronto lo llevó a adicciones de todo tipo, depravación,
desempleo y,...
Conociendo el Que Te Guia
¡La clave para una vida vencedora está en conocer al Espíritu
Santo! Él es nuestro ayudante, maestro, consejero, guía y amigo.
Necesitamos conocerlo mejor. Jesús vino a redimirnos y a mostrarnos
el camino hacia el Padre; pero, es solo por y a través del Espíritu
Santo que logramos la...